Remember The Last Time You Said “WooHoo I FEEL GOOD”?

 If it seems like forever, I get it. It’s been a tough couple of years for many of us. Some days it may feel like you’re surfing rough waters. Caught up in the swells, strong winds, and turmoil, only to find yourself thrust back onto the rocky shore. 

No wonder you’re:
â—Ź Noticing things look better on the outside than they feel on the inside
â—Ź Watching the clock for 5PM so you can have that glass of wine to take the edge off
â—Ź Searching google for topics like anxiety and depression
● Wondering what’s “out there” to make you feel better, but clueless as to where to look

I've certainly had my share of off days and internet searches for solutions.

Anything to feel better, right?
One day after my mother’s death, I was totally overwhelmed when a friend reached out and asked me if she could send me some healing flower essence frequencies.
I thought Why Not?!? Anything to feel better than I do right now…
A few hours later, I’d vacuumed and mopped the entire condo AND I was sitting on the sofa singing Hallelujah along with Jai-Jagdeesh on Pandora.
Seriously, my mood was completely elevated. I couldn’t believe the shift.

SO, You’re not lazy, your batteries are just drained…

That’s when you have to remind yourself, you’re not lazy. Your batteries are just drained. AND it’s not always crystal clear where you’re actually out of alignment.

That’s why I created my 21 Day “FEEL GOOD Challenge”. You see, I believe you deserve to feel your best. And feeling better entails much more than what we notice in our physical bodies. Because emotional and mental wellbeing are the keys to a better life.
To live in harmony with ourselves and others. Emotionally thriving versus merely surviving. Mentally more capable of focusing and accomplishing the projects that will bring us success and even joy.

How It Works…

You join me briefly (Less than 20 minutes) once a day for 21 Days of Energy Rebalancing tools, tips, and techniques. All reminders of how you can reconnect with the happier, more aligned version of you.

21 Day Feel Good Challenge is meant for you if you’ve tried…

Healing Modalities
Read countless books and articles for personal development

In 21 Days I’ll Help You Raise Your 
Feel Good Vibes To Epic Levels

Here’s our game plan…

  1. Feel-Good Energy: Unlocking the Power of Positive Emotions
  2. The Secrets of Energy Awareness: Quantum Physics Meets Bioenergetics
  3. Discover Your Secret Superpower for Positive Change
  4. Unleash the Unseen: The Hidden Power Within You
  5. Chakra Tune-Up: Shifting from Autopilot to Purpose-Driven
  6. Emotional Energy Meter: Learn to Read Your Inner Signals
  7. Quantum Physics Simplified: A Beginner's Guide
  8. Boost Your Feel-Good Frequency for Wellbeing and Unity
  9. From Darkness to Light: A Journey from Depression to Contentment
  10. Find Your Roots: The Key to Safety, Grounding, and Self-Expression
  11. Unleash Creativity: Craft Your Dream Life from the Inside Out
  12. Master Your Emotions: Tame the Roller Coaster Ride
  13. Filling the Void: Aligning with Your True Self and Genuine Appreciation
  14. Speak Your Truth: Expressing Your Authentic Self
  15. Get Tuned In, Tapped In, and Turned On: A How-To Guide
  16. Bliss Connection: Finding Joy in Every Moment
  17. Inspired Action: Taking Small Steps Toward Big Dreams
  18. Integration Day: Embracing Your Whole Self with Appreciation
  19. Emotional Intelligence: Learning the Language of Emotions
  20. Dance with Your Emotions: Expand and Elevate Your Energy
  21. Rev Up Your Power: Leveling Up to the Next Chapter

BONUS: AND YES, There's SO Much More To The FEEL GOOD System.
Imagine how you’ll feel when the fog lifts. See yourself riding anew wave. One that allows you to trust the ground beneath you. That lifts you up and transports you to a calmer, more serene destination.
If this sounds like you, I invite you to join me for my
21 Day FEEL GOOD Challenge.

How The Challenge Works…

You join me briefly (Less than 20 minutes) once a day for 21 Days of Energy Rebalancing tools, tips, and techniques. All reminders of how you can reconnect with the happier, more aligned version of you.

You try the tools on and see which ones fit. This requires a little effort on your part at first. You’ll need to pay attention to how you feel. I’ll ask you to rate yourself at the start of the challenge and then again at the end. I can’t wait to see how far you climb up the emotional energy meter! It’s so worth the small investment of your time to tune in and turn up the dial.

Let’s get you started!

My Promise To You…
Replay of videos available 24/7. Consume the content at your convenience.
After all, this is your Once-A-Day Boost of Feel Good Juice.

The 21 DAY FEEL GOOD Challenge is your best next move if you’re ready to:

Feel Calmer, more Balanced
Sleep Better
Communicate Clearer
Tap into your Creativity
Feel Empowered

YES I’m In!

You’ll be amazed at the full range of benefits you receive from 21 Days of Chakra Balancing.
21 Days to ignite your “Feel Good” System for $21

P.S. There’s a BONUS DAY that is a stand alone experience worth your entire investment!

About Angela Tanger

Angela Tanger is an advocate for health - physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Angela turned her focus to health and wellbeing after witnessing all three members of her immediate family – father, mother, and sister – battle cancer. She decided to dedicate her life to promoting wellness instead of fighting dis-ease. Angela’s been a transformational yoga teacher and yoga therapist for over 20 years. Angela incorporates yoga, meditation, personal development, and other healing modalities into her Energy Alignment Coaching. To stay connected, reach out on FB, IG, or LI.






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